59.028 .... B&F 1596
Camberwell Beauty Nymphalis antiopa (Linnaeus, 1758) 
Status .....A rare migrant to the UK, but not annual and largely occurring in years when obvous influxes take place. In Nottinghamshire, the Camberwell Beauty is especially rare and there are few recent records. Of those we can trace, there were at least three individuals recorded in the latter part of the 1990's - from both Calverton and Chilwell in 1996, with one at Carlton in Spring 1997. The county's most recent Camberwell Beauty was found at Annesley Pit Top (Naylor, P. et al) in September 2011, causing a small twitch at the time.
Captive reared adult, photographed June 2023
Early stages                            
Captive reared larva (believed 4th-instar) on Crack Willow Salix fragilis. Photographed May 2023.
Near full-grown larvae on Crack Willow Salix fragilis. Photographed May 2023.
Nottinghamshire (VC56) distribution of Camberwell Beauty
The records for the Nottinghamshire distribution map are currently provided by the following contributors - Michael Walker "The Butterfly Year - a summary of 1996" The Nottinghamshire Naturalist, Issue One 1996. Michael Walker "Butterfly News - January to July 1997" The Nottinghamshire Naturalist, Issue Three - August 1997. Lound Bird Club website.

You can contribute your own records to help us gain an accurate status of this species in Nottinghamshire. Send an Excel spreadsheet of your records via the 'contact us' link at the top of the homepage.

Updated January 2022

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