There is a wide choice of pages devoted to coleoptera, including separate species accounts, general summaries and atlases of specific families recorded from Nottinghamshire and details of our work rearing a number of Cryptocephalus beetles, including Cryptocephalus coryli, for which we gained some degree of acknowledgement for our expertise and knowledge on its life hstory and habitat requirements.

The array of available pages includes 37 pages specifically dedicated to the Glow Worm This is another species we are nationally known for and pages include the ongoing Nottinghamshire Glow Worm Survey, the history of the Glow Worm in the county and the results of our Clipstone Old Quarter surveys over a number of years. There are distribution maps and links to the glowing records of many of the  female Glow Worms recorded and the results of our research into the bioluminescence of Glow Worm larvae.

Ladybirds have also been of particular interest over the years and ten pages provide as much information as anyone could require regarding their Nottinghamshire species, distribution, larval stages and more. Plus the arrival of the notorious Harlequin Ladybird in Nottinghamshire is described in detail, along with a look at the effecs it has had on our native species.
Species accounts/guides
Sherwood Forest coleoptera - a century of gains and losses The changes to Sherwood Forest's coleoptera species list over 100 years
A working checklist of Nottinghamshire Curculionoidea A working checklist of Nottinghamshire Weevils (latest pdf version)
A working checklist of Nottinghamshire Weevils Complete list of Nottinghamshire Weevils
Rare and scarce Beetles of Sherwood Forest Red Data Book and Nationally Notable Sherwood Forest Coleoptera
Successful breeding and release of the Hazel Pot Beetle The breeding and release of nearly 1,000 Hazel Pot Beetles in May 2014
Tree top survey for the Hazel Pot Beetle - May 2011 Summary of a tree top survey for C.coryli in May 2011
Tree top survey for Hazel Pot Beetle - July 2011 Summary of the second tree top survey for C.coryli in July 2011
Jewel Beetles in Nottinghamshire Nottinghamshire's four Buprestidae
Cryptocephalus coryli at Sherwood Forest The discovery of this RDB1 beetle at the Sherwood Forest NNR
Cryptocephalus coryli records from Sherwood Forest List of known coryli records and yearly summaries
Rearing Cryptocephalus beetles in captivity The larval development of Cryptocephalus beetles in captivity
Cryptocephalus querceti at Sherwood Forest Summary and sightings of this RDB2 beetle at the Sherwood Forest NNR
Cryptocephalus Leaf Beetles Nottinghamshire's Cryptocephalus beetles
Cardinal Beetles in Nottinghamshire Identifying Nottinghamshire's two bright red Cardinal Beetles
The Oil Beetle in Nottinghamshire The discovery of this RDB2 beetle at the Sherwood Forest NNR in 2011
Monitoring Nottinghamshire's Oil Beetles Oil Beetle survey results since its rediscovery in 2011
Mapping the Rosemary Beetle in Nottinghamshire The latest distrubtion of this attractive (often unwanted) beetle in VC56
The Alder Leaf Beetle in Nottinghamshire The colonisation of Nottinghamshire's former Collieries by Agelastica alni
Chrysolina Leaf Beetles Nottinghamshire's Chrysolina leaf beetles
The Tortoise Beetles of Nottinghamshire A guide to the Tortoise Beetles of Nottinghamshire
Phyllobius Weevils Nottinghamshire's Phyllobius Weevils
Current status and distribution of Nottinghamshire Cerambycidae Atlas of Nottinghamshire Longhorn beetles
Cerambycidae Longhorn Beetles Longhorn Beetles of Nottinghamshire
Cantharidae - The Soldier Beetles of Nottinghamshire Nottinghamshire's Soldier beetles
Aphodius Dung Beetles Nottinghamshire's Dung beetles
The Minotaur Beetle The Nottinghamshire distribution of one of the county's largest beetles
Elateridae Click Beetles Nottinghamshire's Click Beetles
Windsor and Sherwood - a coleopterist's account Brief account of two of the UK's most famous forests by Paul Brock
Sherwood Forest Coleoptera/Lepidoptera October 2008 Brief report on our October 2008 Coleoptera survey at Sherwood Forest
Sherwood Forest Coleoptera/Lepidoptera July 2008 Brief report on our July 2008 Coleoptera survey at Sherwood Forest
Glow Worm pages
New hope for Clipstone Old Quarter's Glow Worm Plans to restore the Glow Worm habitat at Clipstone Old Quarter
The Glow Worm in Nottinghamshire Basic introduction and information on the Glow Worm
The Nottinghamshire Glow Worm Survey About the NGWS and an archive of Glow Worm reports and all records
Historical records of the Glow Worm in Nottinghamshire All historical and modern Glow Worm sites from around the county
Glow Worm larvae research Results from our larval bioluminescent research conducted in 2012-2013
Glow Worm larvae observational data Our research results of 25 captive Glow Worm larvae from 2012-2013
Size variation and ratios of Glow Worm larvae in Autumn 2012 Observations on size variation and ratios of wild Glow Worm larvae
The bioluminescence of male Glow Worms Martin Dale's research into the glowing ability of the male Glow Worm
Glow Worm colony comparison A population comparison between two Glow Worm colonies
Nottinghamshire Glow Worms 2024 Up to date larvae and adult Glow Worm counts from 2024
Nottinghamshire Glow Worms 2023 Daily larvae and adult Glow Worm counts from 2023
Nottinghamshire Glow Worms 2022 Daily larvae and adult Glow Worm counts from 2022
Nottinghamshire Glow Worms 2021 Daily larvae and adult Glow Worm counts from 2021
2018 Glow Worm sightings and summary of the year Nottinghamshire Glow Worm sightings and records from 2018
Clipstone Old Quarter Glow Worm sightings 2017 Daily larvae and adult Glow Worm counts from 2017
Clipstone Old Quarter Glow Worm sightings 2016 Daily larvae and adult Glow Worm counts from 2016
Clipstone Old Quarter Glow Worm sightings 2015 Daily larvae and adult Glow Worm counts from 2015
Clipstone Old Quarter Glow Worm sightings 2014 Daily larvae and adult Glow Worm counts from 2014
Clipstone Old Quarter Glow Worm sightings 2013 Daily larvae and adult Glow Worm counts from 2013
Clipstone Old Quarter Glow Worm sightings 2012 Daily larvae and adult Glow Worm counts from 2012
Clipstone Old Quarter Glow Worm sightings 2011 Daily larvae and adult Glow Worm counts from 2011
Clipstone Old Quarter Glow Worm sightings 2010 Daily larvae and adult Glow Worm counts from 2010
Clipstone Old Quarter Glow Worm sightings 2009 Daily larvae and adult Glow Worm counts from 2009
Clipstone Old Quarter Glow Worm sightings 2008 Counts from several Sherwood Forest Glow Worm colonies in 2008
2017 Glow Worms - a detailed summary Summary and account of Glow Worms in 2017
2016 Glow Worms - a detailed summary Summary and account of Glow Worms in 2016
2014 Glow Worms - a detailed summary Extensive summary and account of Glow Worms in 2014
2013 Glow Worms - a detailed summary Extensive summary and account of Glow Worms in 2013
2012 Glow Worms - a detailed summary Extensive summary and account of Glow Worms in 2012
2011 Glow Worms - a detailed summary Extensive summary and account of Glow Worms in 2011
2010 Glow Worms - a detailed summary Detailed summary and account of Glow Worms in 2010
2009 Glow Worms - a detailed summary Detailed summary and account of Glow Worms in 2009
Clipstone Old Quarter female Glow Worm data 2017 Glowing dates of all female Glow Worms in 2017
Clipstone Old Quarter female Glow Worm data 2016 Glowing dates of 411 individual females in 2016
Clipstone Old Quarter female Glow Worm data 2014 Glowing dates of 742 individual females in 2014
Clipstone Old Quarter female Glow Worm data 2013 Glowing dates of 495 individual females in 2013
Clipstone Old Quarter female Glow Worm data 2012 Glowing dates of 599 individual females in 2012
Clipstone Old Quarter female Glow Worm data 2011 Glowing dates of 792 individual females in 2011
Clipstone Old Quarter female Glow Worm data 2010 Glowing dates of 502 individual females in 2010
Clipstone Old Quarter female Glow Worm data 2009 Glowing dates of 385 individual females in 2009
Sherwood Forest CP female Glow Worm data 2013 Glowing dates of all female Glow Worms in 2013
Female Glow Worm distribution maps 2009-2014 Female distribution at Clipstone Old Quarter 2009-2014
Ladybird pages
Nottinghamshire Ladybirds Nottinghamshire's Ladybirds
An Atlas of Nottinghamshire Ladybirds The distribution of Nottinghamshire Ladybirds
A photographic guide to Ladybird larvae A photographic guide to Nottinghamshire Ladybirds
Ladybird populations in 2011 Ladybird numbers reach another peak during 2011
Eakring Ladybird Records Ladybird sightings from the Eakring area
The effects of the Harlequin Ladybird in Nottinghamshire Has the Harlequin's arrival been detrimental to our native species
The Harlequin Ladybird at Eakring Discovery of the first Harlequin Ladybird for Nottinghamshire in 2006
Identification of the Harlequin Ladybird Separating the Harlequin Ladybird from other UK Ladybirds
Variations in the Harlequin Ladybird Recorded variations within the Harlequin Ladybird
Over-wintering Ladybirds The over-wintering sites of some of our Ladybirds
Ladybird life-cycle Photographs of various stages of the Ladybird's life-cycle
pdf publications
A working checklist of Nottinghamshire Curculionoidea Version 3.0/August 2020
A working checklist of Nottinghamshire Curculionoidea Version 2.1/June 2018
The current status of Cryptocephalus coryli and other Cryptocephalus Leaf Beetles in Nottinghamshire
The size variation and age ratios found within the larval population of the Glow Worm during Autumn
Some notes and observations on the bioluminescence exhibited by the larva of the Glow Worm in captivity
Current status and distribution of Nottinghamshire Cerambycidae
An Atlas of Nottinghamshire Ladybirds
Sherwood Forest Coleoptera species list and records 2020
Sherwood Forest Coleoptera 2014
Sherwood Forest Coleoptera 2013
Sherwood Forest Coleoptera 2012
Sherwood Forest Coleoptera 2011
Sherwood Forest Coleoptera 2010
Sherwood Forest Coleoptera 2009
Sherwood Forest Coleoptera Species List (Historical)