45.023 .... B&F 1495
Marasmarcha lunaedactyla (Haworth, 1811)
Status .....The adult in the lower two photographs individual represented an unexpected first record for Nottinghamshire in 2010. In July 2012, we swept two females from Rest Harrow growing on Hills and Holes SSSI at Market Warsop and the larvae have become very easy to find on the hostplant there. But it has since turned up at a number of other sites across the county including records from the Idle Valley NR in 2014 and Bestwood village in 2015.
Photographed at Hills and Holes SSSI at Market Warsop July 2012.
Photographed at Clipstone Old Quarter July 2010
Early stages                            
Young larva on Rest Harrow Ononis repens. Photographed at Hills and Holes SSSI at Market Warsop, May 2024
Half-grown larva on Rest Harrow Ononis repens. Photographed at Hills and Holes SSSI at Market Warsop, May 2024
Full-grown larva on Rest Harrow Ononis repens. Photographed at Hills and Holes SSSI at Market Warsop, June 2013
Nottinghamshire (VC56) distribution of Marasmarcha lunaedactyla
The records for the Nottinghamshire distribution map are currently provided by the following contributors - Trevor and Dilys Pendleton. Lound Moth Group. Sean Tobin. Martin Gray. Dave Budworth (Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire Entomological Society 2019 Journal Number 169 Micro-Moth Report 1998-2019 – new species). Steven Chick.

You can contribute your own records to help us gain an accurate status of this species in Nottinghamshire. Send an Excel spreadsheet of your records via the 'contact us' link at the top of the homepage.

Updated January 2024

copyright © Trevor and Dilys Pendleton (www.eakringbirds.com) . .
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