Syntomus foveatus (Geoffroy in Fourcroy, 1785)
A tiny ground beetle, size might be the reason why there are so few records of Syntomus foveatus for the Sherwood Forest NNR. We have found this very active beetle to be common on the heathland of Budby South Forest, but it is difficult to obtain any decent photographs. With a length of just 4mm, the best way to find this beetle, is to just watch an area of ground along one of the many tracks intersecting Budby, or by sampling leaf litter. Patience usually pays dividends.
Nottinghamshire (VC56) distribution of Syntomus foveatus

The records for the Nottinghamshire distribution map are currently provided by the following contributors - Trevor and Dilys Pendleton. Peter Kirby (Bentinck Tip & Void Invertebrate survey 2007). Stuart Warrington. The National Trust (Clumber Park invertebrate records). Allan and Annette Binding (Clumber Park invertebrate records). Charlie Barnes. Meg Skinner.

You can contribute your own records to help us gain an accurate status of this species in Nottinghamshire. Send an Excel spreadsheet of your records via the 'contact us' link at the top of the homepage.

Updated January 2024

copyright © Trevor and Dilys Pendleton ( . .
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