Eakring Birds
Breeding species maps
Song Thrush .... Available maps - 1998, 2001, 2002, 2005 and 2008
Becoming increasingly common as a breeding bird and showed an interesting pattern of dispersal. Just 15 breeding pairs were found in 1998, but when Song Thrush was last surveyed in 2005, the total had risen to 25 pairs. Within Eakring village itself, mapping of male territories in 2005 suggested that the concentrated population found in 1998, had thinned and spread outwards as birds moved out of Eakring village and into other sites across the area. In 1998, there were only two breeding pairs found outside Eakring village. These were at Kersall village and Hare Hill Wood to the east of the recording area.
Breeding territories 1998
Breeding territories 2001
Breeding territories 2002
Breeding territories 2005
Breeding territories 2008
Breeding species maps index