Glow Worm Lampyris noctiluca (Linnaeus, 1758)
This is perhaps one of the most well known of all beetles, but one which we had never seen before 2008 and certainly many others have probably never seen. It has a scattered and declining distribution across Nottinghamshire, with a stronghold in the Sherwood Forest area. Although it has been found to have disappeared from many of it's former Nottinghamshire localities, there is a likelyhood that previously unknown sites may yet be discovered. Glow Worm numbers have declined at many UK sites in recent years. The distribution map at the bottom of this page, shows Nottinghamshire's post-2000 Glow Worm records.
Adult female Glow Worm, photographed under torchlight, Clipstone Old Quarter May 2024.
Adult female Glow Worm, photographed by day at Clipstone Old Quarter June 2011
Adult male Glow Worm, photographed by day at Clipstone Old Quarter, June 2011
Adult male Glow Worm, photographed by day at Clumber Park, June 2008
Adult female Glow Worms, photographed by night at Clipstone Old Quarter June 2008
Ovae/egg, larval and pupal stages                            
Ovae, laid by ex Clumber Park female on June 28th.   Newly hatched larva, reared from eggs ex Clumber Park female and hatched July 26th 2008
Full grown Glow Worm larva, photographed Clipstone Old Quarter, early May 2008. Length 18mm.   Full grown female larva feeding on Dusky Slug (Arion subfuscous) at Clipstone Old Quarter larva. Length 28mm. Photographed April 26th 2010.
Female Glow Worm pupa from ex Clipstone Old Quarter larva. Photographed June 1st 2009.
Adult female Glow Worm, emerging from pupa (reared ex Clipstone Old Quarter larvae) photographed June 10th 2009
Male Glow Worm pupa from ex Clipstone Old Quarter larva, photographed April 25th 2012.
Male Glow Worm pupae producing disturbance glows.
Nottinghamshire (VC56) distribution of Lampyris noctiluca
The records for the Nottinghamshire distribution map are currently provided by the following contributors - UK Glow Worm Survey. Nottinghamshire Glow Worm Survey. Forestry Commission. Trevor and Dilys Pendleton. Martin Dale. Ludwik Michalek. Don McLeish. James Glendenning. Andrew Lowe. Michael Walker. Rob Edmunds. Jim Lennon. Trevor Harris. Robin Scagell. NBGRC. Barry Charlston. Indy Kiemel Greene. Jason King. Andy Lowe. Johnny Maxwell. Ludwik Michalek. Chloe Ryder. David Smales-Cresswell. Ann Spacey. Andy Sutton. Tabby Tabera. Izzy Smith. Phil Parry. Megan Thompson. Richard Upright. Carl Cornish. Andrew Fell and Jessica Fell. Harry Huntingdon. Anna Kulpa. Katie Parry. Keith Parry. Graham Smith. Christine Booth. Amber Singleton. Nick and Samantha Brownley. Trevor Steed. Heather Sunderland. Lynn Preece, Katie Doull.

You can contribute your own records to help us gain an accurate status of this species in Nottinghamshire. Send an Excel spreadsheet of your records via the 'contact us' link at the top of the homepage.

Updated January 2024

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