Nottinghamshire Glow Worms 2021
Well what an interesting year 2021 turned out to be for Glow Worms in Nottinghamshire.

Once again, there were records contributed by a number of fellow recorders, producing a varied set of results. Much work was done on revisiting some of the Clumber sites, for which there had been no reports sent in for a number of years, some as far back as the 1990's. Doesn't anyone visit Clumber for Glow Worms now?

Possibly they don't, as the site is patrolled by security, but who turned out to be a decent bloke when I visited and found that Glow Worms were still present in all the areas I visited (albeit briefly) on one night. There's still much good work to be done at Clumber, it just needs someone to take up the challenge.

There's news of two new sites for Glow Worms being found in the Dukeries and Glow Worms were again at the recently discovered/reported Ruddington site.

Useful Glow Worm links on

Larval survey data, counts and a high mortality rate - a summary of Spring 2021's larval surveys

Data gained from larval surveys during March, April and May each year, has showed a decrease in the average length of Glow Worm larva at Clipstone Old Quarter over that time. The data for March 2021 showed in Figure 01 further below, was obtained from 15 late afternoon or early evening surveys. But unfortunately, the usefulness of the data for March was rendered relatively useless by unsuitable weather conditions which followed in April.
  April 2021 ended up being the driest on record and although daytime temperatures were pleasantly warm on most days, the temperature dropped before late evening and made larval surveys pointless in the cold conditions. May ended up in a similar fashion, with the weather becoming very wet and cool throughout the month, halting the early progress of leaf opening on the trees, meaning very few evenings were suitable enough for surveying.

It all means that apart from the week March 22nd-31st, there has not been enough data to allow any comparitive size analysis this year, with a total of just 44 larvae meaning Spring 2021 was a poor one in terms of size data. On the whole, the overwhelming feeling the surveys gave, was the impression that the number of larvae was down on most previous years, but this was just my 'gut feeling' rather than anything which could be stated as fact.

But of the total number of larva found in Spring 2021, there has been an unusually high mortality rate. To date (May 31st) some 10/44 larvae had been killed by the increase in footfall and cycles through Sections A,B,C and D. That equates to almost a quarter of larvae found and in most years ten dead larvae would more than equate the combined total for a complete Spring period out of around 100 larvae.
While the effects of lockdowns as a result of Covid-19 led to a greater increase in public using the site, the blame really has to be laid firmly at the door of the site owners/managers etc, who's non commitment to Clipstone Old Quarter as part of the Birklands West and Ollerton Corner SSSI, has mean that the Sustrans path is (for most of its length here) now 30-50% the width it was originally. A narrow path meant that public use was concentrated to the centre and unfortunately Glow Worm larvae took a heavy toll. However, the Sherwood Forest Trust seem to be making moves to get together all those parties involved with managing the site and restore it to how it was a decade or so ago.
Fig 01. ... Glow Worm larval size ranges found at Clipstone Old Quarter during March 2021  Data correct as of 31/03/21
    9mm-15mm larval size range   Intermediate   19mm-28mm larval size range
Section   9mm 10mm 11mm 12mm 13mm 14mm 15mm   16mm 17mm 18mm   19mm 20mm 21mm 22mm 23mm 24mm 25mm 26mm 27mm 28mm
A .. 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 .. 0 0 0 .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
B .. 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 .. 1 0 2 .. 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
C .. 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 .. 0 0 0 .. 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
D .. 0 0 0 0 1 3 2 .. 0 1 3 .. 2 1 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
    9mm-15mm larval size range 35.70%   Intermediate 25.00%   19mm-28mm larval size range 39.30%
Total % .. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.57 17.85 14.28 ... 3.57 3.57 17.85 ... 14.28 3.57 7.14 10.71 0.00 3.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Fig 02. ... Glow Worm larval size ranges found at Clipstone Old Quarter during April 2021  Data correct as of 30/04/21
    9mm-15mm larval size range   Intermediate   19mm-28mm larval size range
Section   9mm 10mm 11mm 12mm 13mm 14mm 15mm   16mm 17mm 18mm   19mm 20mm 21mm 22mm 23mm 24mm 25mm 26mm 27mm 28mm
A .. 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 .. 0 0 0 .. 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0
B .. 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 .. 1 0 1 .. 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
C .. 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 .. 0 0 0 .. 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
D .. 0 0 0 0 1 3 2 .. 0 1 1 .. 1 1 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
    9mm-15mm larval size range 00.00%   Intermediate 34.00%   19mm-28mm larval size range 66.00%
Total % .. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ... 0.00 11.00 22.00 ... 11.00 34.00 0.00 0.00 11.00 0.00 11.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Fig 03. ... Glow Worm larval size ranges found at Clipstone Old Quarter during May 2021  Data correct as of 18/05/21
    9mm-15mm larval size range   Intermediate   19mm-28mm larval size range
Section   9mm 10mm 11mm 12mm 13mm 14mm 15mm   16mm 17mm 18mm   19mm 20mm 21mm 22mm 23mm 24mm 25mm 26mm 27mm 28mm
A .. 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 .. 0 0 1 .. 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0
B .. 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 .. 1 0 1 .. 2 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
C .. 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 .. 0 0 0 .. 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
D .. 0 0 0 0 1 3 2 .. 0 1 1 .. 1 1 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
    9mm-15mm larval size range 16.65%   Intermediate 16.65%   19mm-28mm larval size range 75.50%
Total % .. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.50 0.00 ... 0.00 0.00 12.50 ... 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
We found that the average larval size from Spring 2009 to 2014 was 20.32mm, based on the data gathered from a total of 771 larvae. It also showed that larvae were considerably larger on average in 2009 (22.21mm) than in any of the following years, equating to 1.89mm larger than the average produced between 2010 and 2015. This has continued to be the case and the average length of larvae in 2016 was found to be just 17.99mm, showing a decrease of  4.22mm.

The data in the table provided in Fig 03, is presented as 17.00mm/tL6 for example. An explanation of this would be 17.00mm (the average larval length) / tL6 (taken from a total of six larvae) but this obviously changes daily after each survey. The Spring average follows the same principle, but the average is obviously taken from the total larvae found that particular Spring.
Fig 04. ... Glow Worm larval averages during Spring 2009-2021  Data correct as of 31/12/21
Week/period . 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2020 2021
March 22-31 . ..... ..... 18.03mm/tL27 21.16mm/tL6. ..... 17.90mm/tL13 .   18.44mm/tL90 17.63mm/tL28
April 1-7 . 23.33mm/tL3. 21.27mm/tL13 18.64mm/tL70 19.00mm/tL5. .... 18.65mm/tL24 18.16mm/tL6.   16.46mm/tL13 19.75mm/tL4
April 8-14 . 21.14mm/tL14 19.58mm/tL17 19.19mm/tL31 19.66mm/tL9. 17.11mm/tL9. 18.27mm/tL59 19.11mm/tL16 15.00mm/tL3    
April 15-21 . 20.45mm/tL10 20.78mm/tL18 19.78mm/tL53 23.20mm/tL5. 18.34mm/tL34 18.62mm/tL22 20.66mm/tL8.   18.26mm/tL20 18.00mm/tL1
April 22-29 . 23.32mm/tL25 18.74mm/tL53 19.97mm/tL39 18.77mm/tL9. 18.61mm/tL25 20.20mm/tL36 .   18.83mm/tL6* 21.66mm/tL3
April 30-May 6   22.95mm/tL20 23.20mm/tL5. 21.87mm/tL8. 20.95mm/tL22 19.85mm/tL16 21.87mm/tL21 . 17.66mm/tL15 . 19.75mm/tL4
May 7-14 . 22.08mm/tL17 23.25mm/tL4. ..... 22.30mm/tL10 21.62mm/tL21 21.25mm/tL4. . 18.22mm/tL22 19.75mm/tL4
May 15-22 . . 19.66mm/tL60 . . 21.71mmtL/8 . . 19.97mm/tL34    
May 23-30 . . . . . . . . 19.11mm/tL90    
Spring avg   22.21mm/tL89 20.92mm/tL116 19.58mm/tL228 20.45mm/tL66 19.52mm/tL103 19.53mm/tL169 N/A 17.99mm/tL83 N/A N/A

The size data produced since 2010 has been remarkably consistant, showing a variation of just 1.40mm. 2021 data is not included in this. Breaking the data down further, the average size variation in three of the years since (2011, 2013 and 2014) showed variation as little as 0.06mm. If we exclude the 2009 size data on the basis of being unusually large, then an average larval size at this site would be approximately 20.00mm. The relative consistant larval sizes suggests to us that variations in rainfall and temperature between November and March in any year, actually had no influence on larval size.

Nottinghamshire Glow Worm records 2021

Contributors to the Nottinghamshire Glow Worm Survey 2021:

Thanks to the following people who have sent in their survey results: Izi Banton. Carl Cornish. Martin Dale. Andy Fell. Jason King. Johnny Maxwell. Phil Parry, Trevor Pendleton and Richard Upright.
Surveyed   Site name   Grid ref   Site type/habitat   Qty   Notes   Recorder
October 29th   Clipstone Old Quarter   SK608674   Former Pine plantation and grass/scrub strip   1   A 20mm larva found hunting on the path in Section K at 21:30h this evening   TP.
July 21st   Clipstone Old Quarter   SK608674   Former Pine plantation and grass/scrub strip   0   No Glow Worms recorded   CC. IB.
July 17th   Harlow Wood   SK555565   Coniferous plantation, with areas of recent clearfell   1   Just a single female found this evening   JK.
July 13th   Budby Pumping Station   SK604703   Woodland edge, verge with riverside habitat   0   No Glow Worms recorded   TP.
July 13th   Budby Carr   SK608705   Deciduous woodland and riverside habitat   0   No Glow Worms recorded   TP.
July 13th   Budby South Forest   SK624690   Heathland   3   Three females located between the access track and the A616 this evening.   TP.
July 13th   Budby (Swinecote Road)   SK627688   Grass verge, with small area of heathland   0   No Glow Worms recorded   TP.
July 12th   Clipstone Old Quarter   SK608674   Former Pine plantation and grass/scrub strip   5   A total of just fivwe females suggests the season is very much on the wane now. Glow Worms (numbers in brackets) were recorded in just three of the following sections surveyed. E(2), F, G, J(2), K, L, M, O and S(1).   TP.
July 6th   Sherwood Heath   SK647675   Grass and heather heathland   13   Highest count of the year from this site, including two females found glowing alongside the A6075 Mansfield Road.   TP.
July 6th   Cockglode and Rotary Woods   SK643673   Grass and heather heathland with scrub   0   No Glow Worms recorded   TP.
July 6th   Edwinstowe STF   SK642670   Grass verges along STW access road   0   No Glow Worms recorded   TP.
July 5th   Sherwood Forest CP   SK606682   Deciduous woodland with areas of recent clearfell   2   Two females found at SK606681 and SK606683. Glow Worms have not been recorded from this location before, but there have been occasional surveys taking in this general location since 2008.   TP.
July 5th   Birklands   SK602679   Deciduous woodland and coniferous plantation, with areas of recent clearfell   0   No Glow Worms recorded   TP.
July 5th   Thynghowe   SK600683   Coniferous plantation, with areas of recent clearfell   0   No Glow Worms recorded   TP.
July 3rd   Sherwood Forest CP (A)   SK611676   Deciduous woodland and former Pine plantation   3   Three females present in this general area. This is the first report of Glow Worms from this location since five on 02/07/13.   CC. IB.
July 3rd   Clipstone Old Quarter   SK608674   Former Pine plantation and grass/scrub strip   11   11 females recorded from survey sections E and J this evening.   CC. IB.
July 2nd   Budby (Netherfield Lane)   SK608705   Deciduous woodland and riverside habitat   0   No Glow Worms recorded. Three females were present here on 29/06/21 and shows just how easily sites with small Glow Worm populations can be missed.   TP.
June 26th   Harlow Wood   SK555565   Coniferous plantation, with areas of recent clearfell   78   Another very high site count made this evening, with a total of 78 females present.   JK.
July 2nd   Sherwood Heath   SK647675   Grass and heather heathland   2   Just two females found in the south-easter section of the heath, with one underneath the hedge against the pub car park.   TP.
July 1st   Clipstone Old Quarter   SK608674   Former Pine plantation and grass/scrub strip   43   Highest count of the year anywhere in Nottinghamshire, with 43 females found this evening.   JM. RU.
June 30th   Cuckney Church   SK565713   Overgrown and disused Churchyard   0   No Glow Worms recorded   TP.
June 30th   Peafield Lane   SK572657   Coniferous plantation   0   No Glow Worms recorded. This site was surveyed in 2012 and briefly on a number of occasions since. Glow Worms have never been recorded from this site.   TP.
June 30th   Peafield Lane   SK564644   Woodland edge bordering agricultural farmland   0   No Glow Worms recorded. This area was also surveyed in 2012 and is fairly close to a report of Glow Worms at SK555644 in 1992.   TP.
June 29th   Hazel Gap   SK603707   Woodland edge bordering agricultural farmland   0   No Glow Worms recorded   TP.
June 29th   Budby Pumping Station   SK604703   Woodland edge, verge with riverside habitat   0   No Glow Worms recorded   TP.
June 29th   Budby (Netherfield Lane)   SK608705   Deciduous woodland and riverside habitat   3   Three females found, representing a new site for Glow Worms in Nottinghamshire. A small site which has been surveyed in the past, including on 12/06/12.   TP.
June 29th   Gibraltar Plantation   SK605723   Confierous woodland   0   Site found to be undergoing tree felling, prior to timber removal operations. No Glow Worms recorded.   TP.
June 28th   Clipstone Old Quarter   SK608674   Former Pine plantation and grass/scrub strip   34   34 females and three males recorded this evening. Long stretches of some sections at this site are now completely devoid of Glow Worms.   TP.
June 27th   Budby (Swinecote Road)   SK627688   Grass verge, with small area of heathland   1   One female found close the roadside (different to that present on 25/06/21 and a single larva.   TP.
June 27th   Sherwood Heath   SK647675   Grass and heather heathland   4   Four females found   TP.
June 27th   Clipstone Old Quarter (C)   SK601664   Woodland edge bordering farmland   0   No Glow Worms recorded   TP.
June 27th   New Lodge Plantation   SK607658   Woodland edge   0   The survey took in the woodland edge from the access track, to a point at SK605655 and a short stretch along the River Maun at SK608657. No Glow Worms were recorded and there are no records from this site now since 2016.   TP.
June 26th   Budby South Forest   SK623691   Heathland, roadside verge   0   No Glow Worms recorded again in the grass heathland area around SK624690, or on grass verge of the Thoresby side of the A616 road.   TP.
June 26th   Budby (Ladysmith Plantation)   SK613694   Woodland edge bordering on to heathland   0   No Glow Worms recorded   TP.
June 26th   Harlow Wood   SK555565   Coniferous plantation, with areas of recent clearfell   135   A very high count by any Nottinghamshire standards of 135 females recorded this evening.   JK.
June 25th   Budby (Swinecote Road)   SK627688   Grass verge, with small area of heathland   1   A female found on the grass verge of the B6034, almost opposite the entrance to Budby South Forest.   TP.
June 25th   Budby South Forest   SK624690   Heathland   0   No Glow Worms recorded   TP.
June 25th   Sherwood Forest CP   SK613684   Deciduous woodland   3   Three females found in the usual area at SK612682   TP.
June 25th   Sherwood Forest CP (B)   SK619684   Deciduous woodland bordering heathland   0   Length of Seymour Grove walked between SK620684 and SK606686 on both the Sherwood Forest CP and Budby South Forest sides.  No Glow Worms recorded.   TP.
June 24th   Ruddington   SK562314   Active railway line, grass banked with lined trackbed   3   Three female recorded this evening, including one with a male. A recently reported site (2020) and currently the only one known from south Nottinghamshire.   MD. PP.
June 24th   Clipstone Old Quarter (A)   SK598665   Woodland bordering arable farmland   1   A female first recorded at this location on 03/07/14, with three present in the same area on 01/07/15. One female found this evening.   TP.
June 24th   Blackpool Plantation   SK600669   Former part Pine plantation and deciduous woodland   3   Three Glow Worms located at SK600669. A potential separate population from that at Clipstone Old Quarter   TP.
June 24th   Market Warsop (Green Drive)   SK594671   Mixed woodland   0   No Glow Worms recorded   TP.
June 24th   Clipstone Old Quarter   SK608674   Former Pine plantation and grass/scrub strip   3   Site only partially surveyed this evening. Five females found along Sections M and P, with two females around SK601667   TP.
June 24th   The Lings   SK586667   Confierous woodland   0   No Glow Worms recorded   TP.
June 24th   Market Warsop (Bradmer Hill)   SK587665   Confierous woodland   0   No Glow Worms recorded   TP.
June 23rd   Fanny's Grove   SK610709   Former picnic site, set in mixed woodland   0   One female reported from this site in 1995. Formerly a public picnic area with some suitable habitat, but has become increasingly overgrown in recent years. No Glow Worms recorded   TP.
June 23rd   Sherwood Heath   SK647675   Grass and heather heathland   5   No Glow Worms recorded   TP.
June 23rd   Clipstone Old Quarter   SK608674   Former Pine plantation and grass/scrub strip   33   A much improved count of 33 females this evening, with none recorded along the grass strip of Sections A,B,C and D. Most females were located in the more shaded parts of Sections E,F,H,I,J,L,M,N,O,P and S. Six females were found along a previously unsurveyed grass track linking Section M (at SK602669) to Section P with its junction of Section R at SK602667. See map below.   TP.
June 23rd   Clipstone Old Quarter   SK608674   Former Pine plantation and grass/scrub strip   16   A total of 16 females recorded   JM.
June 22nd   Hangar Hill Plantation   SK601695   Forest track in confierous woodland   0   No Glow Worms recorded. Glow Worms apparently recorded here c1995, but none also found when the area was surveyed twice on the same date in 2012.   TP.
June 22nd   Lady Anne's Gallop   SK598691   Former grass ride, both confierous and deciduous woodland   0   No Glow Worms recorded   TP.
June 22nd   Holborn Hill Plantation   SK601699   Former area of clearfell, new confierous plantation   0   No Glow Worms recorded   TP.
June 22nd   Gleadthorpe   SK597702   Former grass ride, both confierous and deciduous woodland   0   No Glow Worms recorded   TP.
June 21st   Sherwood Heath   SK647675   Grass and heather heathland   3   Just three females found, including a female located at SK644677   TP.
June 21st   Thoresby Pit Top (East)   SK641676   Grass area bordering woodland on former pit top   0   No Glow Worms recorded   TP.
June 21st   Cockglode and Rotary Woods   SK643673   Grass and heather heathland with scrub   0   No Glow Worms recorded   TP.
June 21st   Worksop Road (B)   SK642749   Narrow grass strip through deciduous woodland   1   Glow Worms had been thought likely to occur in this previously unsurveyed area. A female recorded at SK642749, effectively joins up the populations at Budby South Forest, Swinecote Road, Worksop Road (A) and Sherwood Heath.   TP.
June 21st   Worksop Road (A)   SK635684   Grass area within deciduous woodland   1   One female. This site was last surveyed in 2012, when a single female was recorded on 26/06/12   TP.
June 21st   Ollerton Shooting Range   SK642682   Large grass clearing within Pine woodland   0   No Glow Worms recorded, despite the habitat looking ideal for Glow Worms   TP.
June 19th   Clipstone Old Quarter   SK608674   Former Pine plantation and grass/scrub strip   5   A total of five females recorded this evening   CC. IB.
June 19th   Sherwood Heath   SK647675   Grass and heather heathland   6   Six females recorded   TP.
June 19th   Clumber Park   SK646740   Grassy woodland ride/path   1   One female found during a quick check along this section of the Robin Hood Way. Glow Worms were last reported from this location as long ago as 1995   TP.
June 19th   Clumber Park   SK642772   Woodland edge, grassland and wide roadside verge   1   One female found during a brief survey this evening. Glow Worms were last recorded from here on 28/06/08   TP.
June 19th   Clumber Park   SK617749   Grass and heather heathland   2   Glow Worms last reported from this location in 2008   TP.
June 18th   Clumber Park   SK618750   Grass and heather heathland   0   No Glow Worms recorded   TP.
June 18th   Sherwood Heath   SK647675   Grass and heather heathland   1   One female   TP.
June 17th   Clipstone Old Quarter   SK608674   Former Pine plantation and grass/scrub strip   3   Three females recorded this evening, with two now in Section J (including the return of the female from June 3rd) and the other long staying female in Section L   TP.
June 16th   Budby South Forest   SK624690   Heathland   0   No Glow Worms recorded   TP.
June 16th   Budby (Swinecote Road)   SK627688   Grass verge, with small area of heathland   0   No Glow Worms recorded   TP.
June 16th   Sherwood Heath   SK647675   Grass and heather heathland   5   Five females found widely scattered across the site   TP.
June 16th   Clipstone Old Quarter   SK608674   Former Pine plantation and grass/scrub strip   4   Four females recorded   JM. AF.
June 15th   Clipstone Old Quarter (D)   SK613673   Oak/Birch woodland edge   1   One female this evening. A larva was found at this location for the first time in 2018, but this is the first record of a female   TP.
June 15th   Clipstone Old Quarter   SK608674   Former Pine plantation and grass/scrub strip   1   One female present along Section L   TP.
June 14th . Budby South Forest   SK624690   Heathland   0   No Glow Worms recorded   TP.
June 14th   Budby South Forest   SK624685   Heathland and field edge   0   No Glow Worms recorded along section of southern boundary of site, between SK620685 and SK626686   TP.
June 14th   Budby (Swinecote Road)   SK627688   Grass verge, with small area of heathland   0   No Glow Worms recorded   TP.
June 14th . Sherwood Forest CP   SK617679   Oak/Birch woodland   0   No Glow Worms recorded   TP.
June 14th . Sherwood Forest CP   SK623680   Oak/Birch woodland   0   No Glow Worms recorded   TP.
June 14th . Sherwood Forest CP   SK613684   Oak/Birch woodland   0   No Glow Worms recorded   TP.
June 13th   Sherwood Forest CP   SK611676   Grassy woodland ride, increasingly encroached by Birch scrub growth   0   No Glow Worms recorded   TP.
June 13th   Clipstone Old Quarter   SK608674   Former Pine plantation and grass/scrub strip   2   Two females recorded, both long-stayers in Sections J and L   TP.
June 12th   Clumber Park   SK617750   Grass and heather heathland   0   No Glow Worms recorded   TP.
June 12th   Clumber Park   SK642772   Woodland edge, grassland and wide roadside verge   0   No Glow Worms recorded   TP.
June 12th   Sherwood Heath   SK647675   Grass and heather heathland   0   No Glow Worms recorded   TP.
June 11th   Clipstone Old Quarter   SK608674   Former Pine plantation and grass/scrub strip   3   Three females this evening, all three being females remaining from the previous visit and including the first female present since June 3rd   TP.
June 10th   Budby (Swinecote Road)   SK627688   Grass verge, with small area of heathland   0   No Glow Worms recorded   TP.
June 10th . Budby South Forest   SK624690   Heathland   0   No Glow Worms recorded   TP.
June 10th   Cockglode and Rotary Woods   SK643673   Grass and heather heathland with scrub   0   No Glow Worms recorded   TP.
June 10th   Sherwood Heath   SK647675   Grass and heather heathland, roadside verge   0   No Glow Worms recorded. All site surveyed and including the roadside verge along the A6075 between SK642672 and SK650675   TP.
June 9th   Clipstone Old Quarter   SK608674   Former Pine plantation and grass/scrub strip   4   Four females present this evening, with singles recorded in Sections A, J, L, and O   TP.
June 9th   Harlow Wood   SK555565   Coniferous plantation, with areas of recent clearfell   0   No Glow Worms recorded   JK.
June 9th   Sherwood Heath   SK647675   Grass and heather heathland   0   No Glow Worms recorded   TP.
June 7th   Clipstone Old Quarter (A)   SK598665   Woodland edge   0   No Glow Worms recorded along edge of forest between SK603663 off Peafield Lane and SK596666   TP.
June 7th   Budby (Swinecote Road)   SK627688   Grass verge, with small area of heathland   0   No Glow Worms recorded   TP.
June 7th . Budby South Forest   SK624690   Heathland   0   No Glow Worms recorded   TP.
June 7th   Sherwood Heath   SK647675   Grass and heather heathland   0   No Glow Worms recorded   TP.
June 6th   Clipstone Old Quarter   SK608674   Former Pine plantation and grass/scrub strip   1   The female found on June 3rd still present   TP.
June 5th   Sherwood Pines   SK607601   Coniferous woodland, grassland and scrub   0   No Glow Worms recorded   MD. PP.
June 4th   Sherwood Heath   SK647675   Grass and heather heathland   0   No Glow Worms recorded   TP.
June 3rd   Clipstone Old Quarter   SK608674   Former Pine plantation and grass/scrub strip   1   A single female present in Section J this evening   TP.
June 2nd   Sherwood Heath   SK647675   Grass and heather heathland   0   No Glow Worms recorded   TP.
June 1st   Clipstone Old Quarter   SK608674   Former Pine plantation and grass/scrub strip   0   No Glow Worms recorded. Sections A, B, C, D, J, K, L, M, N and O surveyed.   TP.
May 31st   Clipstone Old Quarter   SK608674   Former Pine plantation and grass/scrub strip   0   No Glow Worms recorded. Sections A, B, C, D, J, K, L, M and O surveyed.   TP.
May 31st   Sherwood Heath   SK647675   Grass and heather heathland   0   No Glow Worms recorded   TP.
May 30th   Clipstone Old Quarter   SK608674   Former Pine plantation and grass/scrub strip   0   No Glow Worms recorded. Sections A, B, C, D, E, J, K, L, M, O and S surveyed.   TP.
May 29th   Clipstone Old Quarter   SK608674   Former Pine plantation and grass/scrub strip   0   No Glow Worms recorded. Sections A, B, C, D, J, K, L, M and O were surveyed this evening.   TP.
May 29th   Harlow Wood   SK555565   Coniferous plantation, with areas of recent clearfell   0   No Glow Worms recorded   JK.
May 28th   Clipstone Old Quarter   SK608674   Former Pine plantation and grass/scrub strip   0   No Glow Worms recorded.Sections A, B, C, D, J, K, L, M, N, O and S were surveyed   TP.
May 27th   Clipstone Old Quarter   SK608674   Former Pine plantation and grass/scrub strip   0   No Glow Worms recorded. Sections A, B, C, D, J, K, L, M and O surveyed this evening.   TP.
May 26th   Clipstone Old Quarter   SK608674   Former Pine plantation and grass/scrub strip   0   No Glow Worms recorded. Sections A, B, C, D, F, J, K, L M, O and S surveyed.   TP.
May 25th   Harlow Wood   SK555565   Coniferous plantation, with areas of recent clearfell   0   No Glow Worms recorded   JK.
May 25th   Clipstone Old Quarter   SK608674   Former Pine plantation and grass/scrub strip   0   No Glow Worms recorded. Sections A, B, C, D, I, J, K, L, M and O surveyed.   TP.
May 18th   Clipstone Old Quarter   SK608674   Former Pine plantation and grass/scrub strip   0   No female Glow Worms recorded. Sections A, B, C, D, J, K, L, M and O surveyed.   TP.
May 9th   Clipstone Old Quarter   SK608674   Former Pine plantation and grass/scrub strip   2   Two larvae found again this evening, with lengths of 21mm and 22mm. Larva found in Sections A and D.   TP.
May 7th   Clipstone Old Quarter   SK608674   Former Pine plantation and grass/scrub strip   2   Two larvae found this evening, both in Section A, with lengths of 14mm and 22mm   TP.
May 5th   Clipstone Old Quarter   SK608674   Former Pine plantation and grass/scrub strip   0   No larvae recorded   TP.
May 4th   Clipstone Old Quarter   SK608674   Former Pine plantation and grass/scrub strip   0   No larvae recorded   TP.
May 3rd   Clipstone Old Quarter   SK608674   Former Pine plantation and grass/scrub strip   1   A single 20mm larva recorded in Section D late morning   TP.
May 2nd   Clipstone Old Quarter   SK608674   Former Pine plantation and grass/scrub strip   3   Three larvae found this evening, with lengths of 18mm, 19mm and 23mm   TP.
April 30th   Clipstone Old Quarter   SK608674   Former Pine plantation and grass/scrub strip   1   A single 18mm larva found dead   TP.
April 29th   Clipstone Old Quarter   SK608674   Former Pine plantation and grass/scrub strip   1   A single 25mm larva recorded this evening   TP.
April 28th   Clipstone Old Quarter   SK608674   Former Pine plantation and grass/scrub strip   2   Two larvae found this evening, including a 17mm in Section D and a 23mm larva in Section A found in a moribund state   TP.
April 26th   Sherwood Heath   SK647675   Grass and heather heathland   1   Full grown larva found within old fungi on tree stump   TP.
April 20th   Clipstone Old Quarter   SK608674   Former Pine plantation and grass/scrub strip   1   A single 18mm larva found dead this evening   TP.
April 18th   Clipstone Old Quarter   SK608674   Former Pine plantation and grass/scrub strip   0   No larvae recorded   TP.
April 4th   Clipstone Old Quarter   SK608674   Former Pine plantation and grass/scrub strip   1   A single 20mm larva found this evening   TP.
April 3rd   Clipstone Old Quarter   SK608674   Former Pine plantation and grass/scrub strip   1   Cool conditions at present, so it was surprising to find a 19mm larva, which was extremely emaciated, so has been temporarily taken into care   TP.
April 1st   Clipstone Old Quarter   SK608674   Former Pine plantation and grass/scrub strip   2   Two (dead) 20mm larvae found this evening, including one unusually again in Section A   TP.
March 31st   Clipstone Old Quarter   SK608674   Former Pine plantation and grass/scrub strip   4   Four larvae recorded with larval lengths of 18mm x2, 20mm and 22mm.   TP.
March 30th   Clipstone Old Quarter   SK608674   Former Pine plantation and grass/scrub strip   7   Seven larvae recorded in good conditions this evening, but unfortunately one was found freshly dead. Larval lengths included singles measuring 16mm, 17mm, 18mm and two at 14mm and two at 19mm   TP.
March 29th   Clipstone Old Quarter   SK608674   Former Pine plantation and grass/scrub strip   1   A single 19mm larva found this evening   TP.
March 28th   Clipstone Old Quarter   SK608674   Former Pine plantation and grass/scrub strip   4   A total of four larvae recorded this evening, with one unfortunately found dead measuring 18mm. The three live larva included lengths of 15mm, 18mm and 21mm   TP.
March 26th   Clipstone Old Quarter   SK608674   Former Pine plantation and grass/scrub strip   1   A single 22mm larva found fatally injured   TP.
March 25th   Clipstone Old Quarter   SK608674   Former Pine plantation and grass/scrub strip   1   A single 15mm larva found dead   TP.
March 24th   Clipstone Old Quarter   SK608674   Former Pine plantation and grass/scrub strip   2   Two larvae (14mm and 22mm) found in Sections B and D respectively this evening   TP.
March 22nd   Clipstone Old Quarter   SK608674   Former Pine plantation and grass/scrub strip   2   Two larvae found this evening, including a 15mm larva in Section A (unusually) and a 14mm larva in Section D   TP.
March 21st   Clipstone Old Quarter   SK608674   Former Pine plantation and grass/scrub strip   0   No larvae recorded   TP.
March 20th   Clipstone Old Quarter   SK608674   Former Pine plantation and grass/scrub strip   0   No larvae recorded   TP.
March 18th   Clipstone Old Quarter   SK608674   Former Pine plantation and grass/scrub strip   3   Three larva recorded today, with a 15mm larva, a 24mm larva (both alive) and a dead larva measuring 19mm   TP.
March 17th   Clipstone Old Quarter   SK608674   Former Pine plantation and grass/scrub strip   1   A single 13mm larva found dead this afternoon   TP.
March 16th   Clipstone Old Quarter   SK608674   Former Pine plantation and grass/scrub strip   1   A single 14mm larva found dead this afternoon   TP.
March 13th   Clipstone Old Quarter   SK608674   Former Pine plantation and grass/scrub strip   0   No larvae recorded   TP.
March 9th   Clipstone Old Quarter   SK608674   Former Pine plantation and grass/scrub strip   1   A single 21mm larva found active mid-afternoon   TP.
February 23rd   Clipstone Old Quarter   SK608674   Former Pine plantation and grass/scrub strip   0   No larvae recorded   TP.
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July 7th high counts

There's news from Harlow Wood of some very high counts including 135 females on June 26th and 78 on July 2nd. These counts are in great contrast to Clipstone Old Quarter, where the most recent counts have been in the low 30's on a couple of occasions, with 43 females reported there on July 1st. Most Glow Worms found at Clipstone Old Quarter, have been from shaded locations under trees and there continues to be large areas of some survey sections devoid of Glow Worms. Its a drastic change in fortunes at Nottinghamshire's once best site.

This season is progressing and there has been plenty of survey work carried out, with NGWS volunteers covering more sites this year than ever before. Numbers have been low at most sites, giving the impression that maybe this is 'the bad year' most involved with Glow Worms had been expecting. But valuable survey work has meant we have been able to update the 'still active' status for a number of smaller (lesser known) sites and there's plenty of work still to be done over the next couple of weeks.

There's a number of unsurveyed areas at Clumber Park which could be covered and it feels safer to know that they have security patrolling Clumber now. Surveys already undertaken at Clumber, have showed that Glow Worms are still present at a number of sites after many years of no reports. Glow Worms were recorded at one particular site just off the A614 for the first time since the mid-1990's, proving they can remain unnoticed for many years and as long as the habitat remains suitable of course.

Glow Worms 'on the verge'

Just over the road from Budby South Forest, where Glow Worms have still to be reported in 2021, odd female Glow Worms have been found glowing along a short stretch of grass verge along the B6034 Swinecote Road, proving that it is worthwhile checking those roadside verges. One famale was actually found glowing on the road inteslf last year, so Glow Worms on roadside verges may not be as unusual as we have thought? In fact this was proved on July 7th, when two females were recorded glowing alongside the A6075 Mansfield Road between Ollerton and Edwinstowe, which runs alongside Sherwood Heath for part of its length. There are videos showing the two females and their proximity to the road at the YouTube link below.

Glow Worms at new Nottinghamshire sites

And to continue on a positive note, two new sites for Glow Worms were found in 2021. One site is along Netherfield Lane, near Budby Pumping Station at SK608705. Its a small site and has been surveyed or visited several times over the years and so three females found there on June 29th, very much prove the value of revisiting sites over weeks and years. Two Glow Worms were also found close to the western boundary fence of Sherwood Forest Country Park on July 5th at SK606682, which again is another area walked over on several occasions in the past.

Above:- An aerial map of Clipstone Old Quarter showing the various survey sections. The map has been updated to show a new length of rarely used grass path, along which six Glow Worms were found on June 23rd 2021 and showed as the yellow dashed line. This old path path continues as the blue dashed line, running south from the junction of where Sections P and R meet and has still to be surveyed. Any Glow Worms found along here, would provide a link to a point where one female was found at SK601664 in 2016.

Larval surveys continue to be carried out along the grass sections A, B, C and D and the two yellow dots marked T1 and T2, show the locations (highest and lowest points on site) where the temperature was measured each night. This is referred to in other Glow Worm related pages on

The Nottinghamshire Glow Worm Survey