Eakring Moths 2001
A summary of the year
Serious study of the area's moths began in July 2000, meaning that the first half of that year was missed and the corresponding period in 2001 was long awaited, with many species presumably awaiting discovery and there was plenty of scope for new additions to the rapidly increasing area list.

Early species found were Dotted Border and Early Moth in February and a single March Moth the following month. As warmer weather arrived during May, dominant species were members of the Geometridae family, notably Silver Ground Carpet, Common Carpet, Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet and Rivulet.

At the end of the month, all were to be found in good numbers throughout the area after a significant period of emergence around the 28-29th. Scarcer species, represented by the capture of single adults, were The Streamer, Small Phoenix, Flame Shoulder and Hebrew Character.

There were indeed some interesting species recorded during the year, particularly Beautiful Carpet (above) Green Carpet and Plain Golden Y, (all taken from the roadside at Eakring Meadows) and a Clouded Silver caught at the Pastures.

May also saw numerous smaller moth species on the wing. Many of these have still to be identified and work is continuing into this. Interesting captures included four Incurvariidae species. Two identified were Incurvaria masculella and Adela viridella. Common Pugs were found throughout the area, but on the 31st, a single Mottled Pug was taken from Red Hill.

Silver Ground Carpets were extremely abundant during the first half of June, gradually becoming scarce as July approached. Middle-barred Minors and Common Pugs were frequent, whilst the Mottled Pug was found in only several scattered colonies. Good numbers of Common Swift were apparent by the 9th, with Gold Swift only recorded from Hare Hill Wood, but in reasonable numbers. Several adult Ghost Moths frequented roadside verges. Single species records came in the form of Common White Wave, Shuttle-shaped Dart, Green Carpet, The Lychnis, Bright-line Brown-eye and White-shouldered House Moth. A Spruce Carpet was netted in Lound Wood during a day-time visit. The end of June saw the first migrant species, when a Silver Y was caught on the 27th.

July began with some very warm and humid nights producing much activity. Among the regular species were small numbers of The Flame, Middle-barred Minor, Flame Shoulder and Mottled Beauty, but vastly more common were The Snout and Yellow Shell. The Barred Yellow was another common, but beautifully marked moth on the wing during July. Several new species were encountered at this time, namely Swallow-tailed Moth, Light Arches, The Rustic, Smoky Wainscot, Common Emerald and Grey Dagger. Scarce species included Plain Golden Y and a female Beautiful Carpet.
